加拿大28app苹果ios版’ Insight Into the 工资保障流程



As the Payroll Protection Program (the “PPP”) rolled out, 加拿大28app苹果ios版 researched the process through our banker, 亚利桑那联合银行.  由于擀得很快,自然 小企业管理局 (“SBA”) was trying to figure out what forms it needed and how to make this process as painless as possible.  There were three different versions of the required forms that were issued and ultimately, 在周五, 4月3日rd, they settled on version 3, dated with an Expiration Date of 9/30/2020.  We have included a link to that blank form for your reference (点击这里).  除了, we have made available an overview of the program details from the SBA entitled “Borrower’s Information Fact Sheet” (点击这里).

The PPP Application itself is a very simple two-page form.  Make sure you answer every question and fill in every blank on the application. The SBA is allowing a DocuSign version due to the added difficulties of obtaining wet signatures for the next few weeks.  I would caution that after your form has been submitted and the SBA assigns you a loan number, 你应该收集湿签名以防万一.


Two unusual things that we encountered that I will share with you: 1) In the section under “Applicant Ownership”, the SBA wants “individuals” as opposed to “entities” listed as owners of 20% or more.  换句话说, 即使你的股东中有一个是信托公司, you will need to list the Trustees with their individual social security numbers as opposed to the Trust itself; and, 2)第三题, you are required to disclose any entity affiliates of both the entity that is applying for the loan and any affiliates of the Owner Members or Shareholders.  从我们银行的角度来看, the reason for this disclosure is not so much to determine what other income sources may exist but is geared to disclose whether or not these affiliates have other or common employees. The SBA is obviously concerned about double dipping as the case may be. If you do have affiliates, you will need to prepare an Addendum to disclose them.

如果您选择通过您的银行提交, you will also be required to complete some sort of Beneficial Ownership form for the bank’s internal use.  Again, we were able to complete ours utilizing the DocuSign format.


The funding process itself is much slower than what we are being told.  作为项目的一部分, the government has made it clear that there will be no negotiation of the loan documents themselves. That at least means you won’t need the assistance of attorneys, but it is another step and there is still the looming question about the timing of the funding itself.

总之, 其宽免条款, 缺乏任何必要的抵押品, and the simplicity of the application process represent an unexpected and unprecedented development for small businesses that qualify.


We have provided another link entitled 2020 Cares Act (created by the Greater 凤凰城 Economic Council) summarizing the various other lending possibilities and potential resources in the event that your business does not qualify for the PPP (点击这里).  除了, 昨天早上, the Federal Reserve expanded the CARES Act to accommodate non-profits and businesses with more than 500 employees but less than 10,000(关怀法案), 证券交易委员会. 4003(c)(3)(D)). 由此产生了两个新项目, the “Main Street New Loan Facility” and the “Main Street Expanded Loan Facility”.  The latter put in place to provide incremental liquidity for those businesses with existing assistance loans currently outstanding. 我读的时候, the new programs offer pretty good terms (no prepayment penalties and businesses can defer payments for one year) but they lack the debt forgiveness provisions available under the PPP. 这些贷款最高可达2500万美元, 视需要而定, the businesses outstanding debt obligations and its earnings for 2019.

It should be noted that these programs do have strings attached. 有资格获得贷款, businesses must accept certain stock repurchase prohibitions, 股息限制, 以及赔偿限制. 点击这里 for the Federal Reserve’s Press Release on the Main Street New Loan Facility.

总之, there are many resources and alternatives to assist your businesses through this bizarre time.  It’s just a matter finding the right solutions that fit your particular circumstance best.


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